The Department of Oral and maxillofacial Pathology and Oral microbiology embarked in 1996, headed by Dr. K. RAJKUMAR, B.Sc., M.D.S.,Ph.D. abides by its university motto, Learn, Leap and Lead. For undergraduates, in their first year, the subjects taught are Oral Histology and Tooth Morphology imparting the basic microscopic architecture and understanding of the normal features of the oral and para oral structures, while the latter enables the students to appreciate the anatomy of each tooth.
The practical training requires each student in maintenance of a record, ground section preparation of a tooth and also carving of individual tooth. After attaining an understanding of the normal anatomy and physiology, in the third year, the students are then taught the various pathological states and diseases of the oral cavity and also how the oral cavity is affected in medical diseases. The Post Graduate programme comprises training of three years of Oral Pathology and Microbiology with research as main motto. Students are also engaged in various interinstitutional allied postings which include dermatology postings, forensic postings, oncology postings at Adyar cancer institute. Following a full fledge training on cell culture and cell viability assessment methods, students are allowed toper form cell culture related studies in the CENTRAL RESEARCH LABORATORY in the DEPARTMENT OF ORAL PATHOLOGY. They are guided to select dissertation topics with high value and impact and are engaged in several short projects. To our credit we have ICMR funding for PG dissertation. During the course of study they are guided to publish several papers in reputed journals with high impact factors with each student having an average of minimum three publications during their course of study