• Dr Elavenil Faculty in PROMPT 2024 ,National Master class, Puspagiri Dental college
  • Dr Elavenil –Speaker in ROME 2024, SRIHER
  • Dr Elavenil Participated in PG Board of studies,Meenakshi Dental College, Chennai
  • Dr Velavan presented Paper, 6th International conference on dentistry and oral health
  • Dr Komagan Prabhu presented Paper, 6th International conference on dentistry and oral health
  • Dr Shri Krishna Prasanth presented Paper, 6th International conference on dentistry and oral health
  • Dr Akshaya Subhasinee presented Paper, 6th International conference on dentistry and oral health
  • Dr Elavenil Panelist TMJ Virtual Masterclass, ISTMJS

  • Dr Elavenil -faculty in “Sree Balaji Orthognathics, AOMSI (TN & Pondy branch), AAOMS
  • Dr Elavenil -moderator in PAN India PG training program
  • Dr Elavenil -speaker on theory of midface, SIBAR institute of dental sciences
  • Dr Velavan- Keynote Speaker in SOOW, Meenakshi dental college
  • Dr Krishna Kumar Raja – chair person in “Head & Neck Oncology Conference 2023, Glenagles Global Health City
  • Dr Elavenil- speaker in “Rapid Review Program – ROME 2023, SRIHER.
  • Dr Elavenil- Lecture on “Metamorphosis of Thesis to Publication”, Thai Moogambigai Dental College & Hospital
  • Dr Sasikala- speaker in “Rapid Review Program – ROME 2023” on the topic “TMJ Ankylosis, SRIHER
  • Dr Elavenil- examiner in “Virtual Masterclass 2023 – Face to Face with Examiner FFE 2023, AOMSI
  • Dr Elavenil- Mentor in “Virtual Masterclass 2023,AOMSI
  • Dr Elavenil- faculty in “ KIDS OPECT, karpaga vinayaka denal college
  • Dr Elavenil- judge in 10th star summit, Saveetha dental college
  • Dr Elavenil- Guest Speaker in CDE program on “Maxillofacial Trauma – the crucial role of a Dentist
  • Dr Sasikala- moderator in “Ask Your Mentor” – Season 4
  • Dr Krishna Kumar Raja- Panelist in 15th TN AOMSI Conference
  • Dr Krishna kumar Raja – Panelist 47th AOMSI National Conference
  • Dr Krishna Kumar Raja- Secretary in 15th TN AOMSI Conference
  • Dr Shanmugasundaram 11th live surgical workshop and Student convention, Tagore Dental College
  • Dr Komagan Prabhu -Delivering a Keynote in 15th TN AOMSI Conference
  • Dr Elavenil- 26th Midterm and 12th PG convention, Pravara Institute of dental sciences
  • Dr Elavenil- Organising Joint Secretary in 15th TN AOMSI Conference
  • Dr Elavenil- Speaker, 47th AOMSI National Conference ,
  • Dr Elavenil- Case based disscussion series 2023, Rajasthan Chapter , AOMSI
  • Dr Elavenil – Faculty in Surgical Approaches to Temporomandibular Joint by DAMER India
  • Dr Elavenil -Faculty, “Case based Discussion Series” Conducted by All India Institute of medical Sciences, Jodhpur
  • Dr Elavenil – Zonal CDE Condylar fractures Shift in paragdim, GSL dental college rajahmundry Dr Shanmugasundaram – Chairing in 15th TN AOMSI Conference
  • Dr Guruprasad -Chairing a session 15th TN AOMSI Conference
  • Dr Sasikala -Chairing a session15th TN AOMSI Conference
  • Dr Sasikala -organising Ask your mentor
  • Dr Elavenil – organising Ask your mentor
  • Dr Arunvignesh- organising Ask your mentor
  • Dr Velavan- Resource person in Clinical pathological National Confluence 2023
  • Dr Komagan Prabhu- Resource person in Clinical pathological National Confluence 2023
  • Dr Arun Vignesh- Resource person in Clinical pathological National Confluence 2023
  • Dr Arun Vignesh- Chairing a session in MIDAS 2023
  • Dr Shri Krishna Prasanth- Chairing a session in MIDAS 2023
  • Dr Muthalagappan- Chairing a session in MIDAS 2023 Dr Ananthanarayanan- Chairing a session in MIDAS 2023

  • Dr Elavenil -Moderated panel in MIDCOMS 2022 , AOMSI
  • Dr Elavenil – panelist in MIDCOMS 2022, AOMSI
  • Dr Elavenil- Judge in MIDCOMS 2022,AOMSI
  • Dr Elavenil- Speaker in MIDCOMS 2022, AOMSI
  • Dr Krishna Kumar Raja VB- Course director in Pre Conference TMJ Internal derangement, world dental and oral health congress
  • Dr Sasikala- programme Co coordinator, world dental and oral health congress
  • Dr Elavenil- Judge for scientific paper, world dental and oral health congress
  • Dr Selvakumar- judge for scientific paper, world dental and oral health congress
  • Dr Shanmugasundaram- Contributed in National symposium on Orthognathic Surgery
  • Dr Elavenil- Keynote speaker in 18th AOMSI Annual Conference kerala state
  • Dr Elavenil- Debator on 46th AOMSI National conference
  • Dr Elavenil -co-facilitator in AOMSI “Women Careers & Leadership in Surgery”
  • Dr Shanmugasundaram Speaker on Applications Of 3D Technology In Dental & Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Dr Elavenil Faculty in 10th Live Surgical Workshop & Student Convention , AOMSI
  • Dr Elavenil Faculty of TMJ for conducting CPD e-Module on “Surgical Approaches to the Temperomandibular Joint, DAMER , India
  • Dr Elavenil -chair person in Journal Symposium conducted by Sir C.V. Raman Journal Club
  • Dr Arun Vignesh -chairperson for a scientific session in “10th Live Surgical Workshop & Student Convention, AOMSI (TN & Pondy Branch)
  • Dr Komagan Prabhu- chairperson for a scientific session in “10th Live Surgical Workshop & Student Convention AOMSI (TN & Pondy Branch)
  • Dr. Elavenil P – Publication Award and a cash prize of Rs 5000/ for 2nd maximum Number of Publications In Indexed Journal, Awarded by IRB, SRM Dental College, Ramapuram.
  • Dr Elavenil P –Fellowship FDS RCPS, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.
  • Dr. Krishna Kumar Raja V.B: Guest Speaker: Mid-face trauma management: AOMSI Webinar: June.2020
  • Dr. Shanmugasundaram S: Faculty: Condyle #Lockdown: Open versus Closed:  AOMSI webinar: June 2020
  • Shanmugasundaram S: Guest Speaker: Webinar on Space Infections:  Dental Webinar Series 2020: SRMC; Chennai
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Co-Host – Web series on Paediatric Craniofacial Trauma conducted by the National Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery;  April 15th, 2020
  • Dr. Elavenil P:  Faculty Coordinator for Web series “Ask Your Mentor”: conducted by the TN -State Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery; June 2020
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Faculty Co ordinator for Web Program on “Cleft, Craniofacial Surgery & Cosmetic Surgery” conducted by the TN -State Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. June 2020
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Faculty for Master Class on “Condylar trauma” conducted by the Gujarat -State Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery: June 2020
  • Dr. Elavenil P Lecture on “Malunited fractures of the maxillofacial skeleton” conducted by the Central India Academy of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery July . 2020
  • Dr. Elavenil P Organizer- 1st Global Women Congress of Maxillofacial Surgeons: Conducted by Women Cranio Maxillofacial Society;  August  2020
  • Dr. Elavenil P Faculty – Web Program “Max Facs Challenge” national level Quiz for PG students conducted by the TN -State Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery; August 2020
  • Dr. Velavan Krishnan: Moderator: Cleft palate repair  techniques: Webinar: SRMC: July 2020
  • Dr. A Gnanam Panelist- Cysts of Maxillofacial Region: TNAOMSI – Sate Conference : Feb 2020
  • Dr. Elavenil: Faculty: Web Program “Max Facs Challenge” national level Quiz for PG students conducted by the TN -State Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery August- 23th 2020
  • Dr. Elavenil: Faculty: International workshop on Rhinoplasty by AO CMF, Dec 2020
  • Dr. Guru Prasad: Faculty: Tagore Surgical Workshop & Student Convention 2021
  • Dr. Sneha Guest Speaker:Timing and choice of bone grafts in Cleft alveolar bone grafting: TNAOMSI – Sate Conference : Feb 2020
  • Dr. Sneha: Faculty: National AOMSI : Dec 2020
  • Dr. Komagan Prabhu Guest lecture Mastermind; November: 2020
  • Dr. Arun: Chair person Tagore Surgical Workshop & Student Convention; Dec- 2020
  • Dr Sasikala B – Life Membership Award, International journal for Research under Literal Access
  • Dr. Elavenil P awarded : FDSRCPS ( Glasgow) 2019
  • Dr. Guru Prasad : Resource Person: AOCMF Program on Obstructive Sleep Apnea: November 2018
  • Dr. Shanmugasundaram S:Resource person: AOCMF ORP Program: Tamilnadu Chennai February 2019
  • Dr. Shanmugasundaram: Guest speaker: AOCMF – Management of Maxillofacial rauma : Chennai Tamilnadu February 2019
  • Dr. Shanmugasundaram: Guest speaker: Zygomatic Implants: MAxfacs Talk: Chennai: August 2019
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Judge For Poster Presentation: 6th Star Summit: Saveetha Dental College: January 2019
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Guest Speaker: AOCMF Program on Management of facial Trauma: February 2019
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Resource Person: AOCMF ORP program. Chennai February 2019
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Guest Speaker: NUTSHELL: Thaimoogambikai Dental College: February 2019
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Guest Speaker: AOMSI Master Class : March 2019
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Awardee: Research Ratna Award of the year 2019: RULA award b World Research Council
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Guest Speaker: Maxillofacial Trauma Update:Trivandrum: August 2019
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Resource Person: 2nd Indian Society of Dental Traumaology National Conference: Sri Ramachandra Dental College: Chennai December 2019
  • Dr. Sasikala: Awardee: Research Ratna Award of the year 2019: RULA award b World Research Council
  • Dr. Sasikala: Chair Person: MIDAS: Ocober 2019
  • Dr. Sneha : Guest Lecture: Balaji Dental College Chennai: July 2019
  • Dr. Guru Prasad : Judge: STAR SUMMIT: Saveetha Dental College Chennai: January 2019
  • Dr. Guru Prasad : Judge: MIDAS: October 2019
  • Dr. V.B.Krishna Kumar Raja: Panel member : Orthognahic Surgery : 6th TNAOMSI  Annual; Conference. February 2018
  • Dr. V.B Krishna Kumar Raja: Panel member: Pan facial Trauma management: 43rd Naional AOMSI Conference. October 2018
  •  Dr. V.B Krishna Kumar Raja Resource Person: AOCMF Program on Obstructive Sleep Apnea: November 2018
  • Dr. A Gnanam :Resource person : AOCMF ORP Program : February 2018
  •  Dr. Shanmugasundaram S: Panel member : Orthognahic Surgery : 6th TNAOMSI  Annual; Conference. February 2018
  • Dr. Shanmugasundaram S: Guest Lecture: AOCMF Introductory Seminar:  Februar 2018
  • Dr. Shanmugasundaram S: Resource Person: AOCMF Program on Obstructive Sleep Apnea: November 2018:
  • Dr. Elavenil: Chair Person: 5th STAR Summit: Saveetha Dental College: January 2018
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Guest Speaker:  AOCMF Introductory Seminar:  February 2018
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Guest Speaker:6th Annual Conference TNAOMSI: February 2018
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Guest Speaker: AOMSI Master Class: March 2018
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Judge: Showcase: Saveetha Dental College: March 2018
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Guest Speaker: Pre Conference course on Hair Transplant: 43rd National AOMSI Conference: October 2018
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Resource Person: 43rd National AOMSI Conference: October 2018
  • Dr. Elavenil P: Chair Person: 9th MIDAS Conference: October 2018
  • Dr. Selva Kumar T: Guest speaker: AOMSI Master Class: March 2018
  • Dr. Sasikala: Guest Speaker: AOMSI Master Class: March 2018
  • Dr. Sasikala: Resource person : AOCMF ORP Program : February 2018
  • Dr. Sasikala: Resource  Person: 43rd National AOMSI Conference  Ocober 2018
  • Dr. Sasikala: Chair Person: MIDAS: Ocober 2018
  •  Dr. Sneha: Guest Speaker : AOMSI Master Class: March 2018
  • Dr. Sneha: Resource person : AOCMF ORP Program : February 2018
  • Dr. Guru Prasad : Resource Person: AOCMF ORP Program: February 2018
  • Senthil Murugan M. Reconstructive microsurgery. OOO symposium, Melmaruvathur, January 2018
  • Shanmugasundaram S. Management of body and angle fractures, AOCMF workshop, Yercaud, February 2018
  • Elavenil P. Zygomatico-maxillary complex fractures, AOCMF workshop, Yercaud, February 2018
  • Komagan Prabhu N. FEM analysis for evaluation of mandibular fracture reduction using acrylic splints, TNAOMSI conference, Yercaud, February 2018. Best Paper
  • Guruprasad T. Knotless sutures for closure of incisions in maxillofacial trauma, TNAOMSI conference, Yercaud, February 2018
  • Senthil Murugan M. Lecture on reconstructive microsurgery , Tagore Dental College, Chennai, February 2018
  • Guruprasad T. STAR summit, Chennai, February 2018. Judge – UG poster presentation.
  • Elavenil P. STAR summit, Chennai, February 2018. Judge – UG poster presentation.
  • Krishnakumar Raja VB. AOCMF workshop, Yercaud, February 2018. Case discussion and panelist.
  • Elavenil P. TNAOMSI conference, February 2018. Panel member: Open versus closed reduction for mandibular condyle fractures.
  • Krishnakumar Raja VB. TNAOMSI conference, February 2018. Panel member: Sequencing and treatment of panfacial fractures.
  • Shanmugasundaram S. TNAOMSI conference, February 2018. Panel member: Open versus closed reduction for mandibular condyle fractures.
  • Senthil Murugan M. TNAOMSI conference, February 2018. Panel member: mandibular reconstruction.
  • Shanmugasundaram S. TNAOMSI conference, February 2018. Moderator: Relapse in mandibular orthognathic surgery.
  • Krishnakumar Raja VB. TNAOMSI conference, February 2018. Panel member: Orthognathic Surgery
  • Elavenil P. Master class in OMFS , Melmaruvathur, March 2018. Organising Co-chairperson.
  • Krishnakumar Raja VB. B Sreenivasan Oration, Alumni conference, April 2018.
  • Dr Sasikala B – Fellowship award, Indian board of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
  • Senthil Murugan M. Comparison of sutures, couplers, lasers and staples for anastomosis of vessels in microvascular surgery. World society for reconstructiver surgery conference, Seoul, June 2017
  • Senthil Murugan M. Reconstructive microsurgery. CME at CODS, Davangere, July 2017
  • Senthil Murugan M. Reconstructive microsurgery. CME at Bapuji Dental College, Davangere, July 2017
  • Elavenil P. Management of thyroid and adrenal crises. Workshop on medical emergencies, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, September 2017
  • Senthil Murugan M. Reconstructive microvascular surgery, CME at Goa Dental College, September 2017
  • Senthil Murugan M. Keynote lecture on microvascular surgery. Cosmocon 2017, Mangalore, November 2017
  • Senthil Murugan M. Guest lecture on microvascular surgery. 42nd AOMSI, Nagpur, November 2017
  • Sneha P. 5th live surgical workshop and student convention, Chennai, November 2017. Session Chair.
  • Poornima Ravi. 5th live surgical workshop and student convention, Chennai, November 2017. Session Chair.
  • Elavenil P. 5th live surgical workshop and student convention, Chennai, November 2017. Session Chair.
  • Elavenil P. 5th live surgical workshop and student convention, Chennai, November 2017. Live demonstration – mandibular fracture fixation
  • Senthil Murugan M. 42nd AOMSI, Nagpur. Judge: Prize paper session.
  • Sneha P. eMIDAS 2017, Chennai, December 2017. Session Chair.
  • Poornima Ravi. eMIDAS 2017, Chennai, December 2017. Session Chair.
  • Sasikala B. eMIDAS 2017, Chennai, December 2017. Session Chair.
  • Elavenil P. eMIDAS 2017, Chennai, December 2017. Session Chair.
  • Senthil Murugan M. Anatomical considerations of fibula for implants – CME program on fibula flap implant reconstruction, Chennai, May 2016
  • Senthil Murugan M. Fibula vs. distraction for mandibular reconstruction – 9th AOMSI-AP Chapter, Rajahmundry, April 2016
  • Krishnakumar Raja VB. Implants in maxillofacial Surgery – ROME 2016, Chennai, March 2016
  • Shanmugasundaram S. Space infections – ROME 2016, Chennai, March 2016
  • Senthil Murugan M. Reconstructive options – ROME 2016, Chennai, March 2016
  • Elavenil P. Current trends in improving healing after dentoalveolar surgery: 4th AOMSI – TN & P Chapter, Puducherry, February 2016 – Guest speaker
  • Senthil Murugan M. Flaws in microvascular surgery – 4th AOMSI – TN & P Chapter, Puducherry, February 2016
  • Krishnakumar Raja VB. Orbital Reconstruction – AOMSI Kerala Chapter, Palakkad, October 2015
  • Krishnakumar Raja V.B. Medical Emergencies in dental practice – CME at Sathyabama Dental College, Chennai, May 2015
  • Krishnakumar Raja V.B. Surgical aspects of oral implantology – CME at Meenakshiammal Dental College, Chennai, April 2015
  • Senthil Murugan M. Mandibular reconstruction using free vascularized graft – CME with live demonstration, Davangere, March 2015
  • Senthil Murugan M. Reconstruction of defects using free vascularized grafts – Zonal CME lecture, Nellore, March 2015
  • Krishnakumar Raja V.B. Orthognathic Surgery in a nutshell – CME at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry, February 2015
  • Krishnakumar Raja VB.Management of Body and Angle fractures – AO Principles of craniomaxillofacial fixation, Chennai, February 2015.
  • Shanmugasundaram S.Non surgical management of mandibular fractures – AOCMF Course Principles in Craniomaxillofacial Fracture Management, Chennai, January 2015.
  • Senthil Murugan M.Reconstruction in head and neck Surgery – 39th AOMSI, Goa, November 2014.
  • Shanmugasundaram S.Closure of Oro Antral Fistula – Surgical Workshop, Tagore Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, December 2014.
  • Shanmugasundaram S.Sinus Grafting – 21st Annual Conference of Indian Society of Oral Implantologists, Chennai, October 2014.
  • Elavenil P. Recent trends in management of angle fractures – TNAOMSI, Coimbatore, July 2014.
  • Elavenil P. Management of cleft lip and palate – 2nd International conference on dental and oral health, Dubai, April 2014.
  • Krishnakumar Raja VB.Le Fort Osteotomy – AO Principles of craniomaxillofacial fixation, Chennai, March 2014.
  • Shanmugasundaram S.Secondary Orbital defects – VINSURGE, Yercaud, January 2014.
  • Krishnakumar Raja VB.Management of maxillofacial wounds – Advanced wound care conference, Chennai, July 2013.
  • Shanmugasundaram S.Tooth for an eye. Modified osteo-odonto-kerato prosthesis – Annual TN AOMSI, Madurai, November 2012.
  • Gnanam A. Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor – Annual TNAOMSI, Coonoor, June 2012.
  • Shanmugasundaram S.Changes of Hyoid, Tongue and Pharyngeal airway after Mandibular set back and advancement by Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy- A Cephalometric study – 36th AOMSI, Delhi, Novmber 2011.
  • hanmugasundaram S.Management of Condylar Fractures – ROME, Chennai, August 2011.
  • Shanmugasundaram S.Surgical approaches to the condyle. 15th Midterm AOMSI, Kanyakumari, June 2011.
  • Elavenil P. Chitosan in oral and maxillofacial surgery – 23rd ISDR National conference, Chennai, January 2011.
  • Shanmugasundaram S.Management of Frontal bone fractures. Review of 8 cases of Anterior wall frontal bone fractures – 35th AOMSI, Coimbatore, November 2010.
  • Elavenil P. Prevention of cleft lip and palate – 34th AOMSI, Kochi, November 2009.
  • Shanmugasundaram S.Enhancing the visualization with endoscopy in Orthognathic surgical procedure – 34th AOMSI, Kochi, November 2009.
  • Gnanam A. Temporomandibular joint disorders – ROME 2009, Chennai, March 2009
  • Elavenil P. Role of folic acid in cleft prevention – 7th national conference of the Indian Society of cleft lip, palate and craniofacial anomalies, Mangalore, February 2008.
  • Gnanam A. Cysts of the Jaw – ROME 2008, Chennai, March 2008.
  • Elavenil P. Osteomyelitis . what lies beneath – Tamil Nadu IDA, Erode,November 2007.
  • Shanmugasundaram S.The Road not taken. Retromandibular with modified transparotid access for subcondylar fractures – 18th ICOMS, Bangalore, November 2007.
  • Elavenil P. Retromolar artery underestimated – 30th Annaual conference of Anatomists of India, Pondicherry, September 2007.
  • Shanmugasundaram S.Armamentarium for Oral Surgery – IDA Meet, Chennai, January 2007.
  • Gnanam A. Unilateral ankylosis treated by endaural approach, temporalis interposition and coronoid graft augmentation – FDI Annual World Dental Congress, China, September 2006.



  • Dr Elavenil P- Appointed as Visiting Professor, Shimane National University Faculty of Medicine, Japan (Feb 2024- 2027)
  • Dr Elavenil P Member, Research committee 2024 of Association of Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons of India
  • Dr Elavenil P  Member, Fellowship program committee 2024, of Association of Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons of India
  • Dr Elavenil P  Member, Masterclass committee 2024, of Association of Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons of India
  • Dr Elavenil P  Associate Editor, Journal of Maxillofacial and oral surgery, Official journal of Association of Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons of India ( Pubmed, WOS indexed, impact factor 0.9 in 2022 )
  • Dr Elavenil P  Section Editor, Journal of Oral biology and craniofacial research
  • Dr. Elavenil P – Senior Researcher Award, Awarded by IDA, Molaris Academic Awards 2023
  • Dr. Elavenil P – Best Teacher Award 2023 by Research India foundation, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha
  • Dr. Elavenil P – Publication Award and cash prize of Rs 5000/ for 1st  maximum Number of Publications In Indexed Journal , Awarded by IRB , SRM Dental College, Ramapuram.
  • Dr Komagan Prabhu – Senior Academician Award, Awarded by Molaris Academic Awards 2023
  • Dr Sasikala B – Best Researcher Award, by Asia International Research Awards Congress 2023.
  • Dr Arun vignesh KR – Best Teacher Award, by Research India Foundation, Odisha.
  • Dr. Elavenil P – Education Excellence Award 2022, Awarded for contribution to the Education Community
  • Dr. Elavenil P – Outstanding Teacher Award, by Research India Foundation
  • Dr Sasikala B – Outstanding Teacher Award, by Research India Foundation.
  • Dr Elavenil P – Vinod Narayanan Researcher award , cash prize of Rs 15,000/- by the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery -TN & P branch at the annual conference.
  • Dr Elavenil P – Membership Award  by Craniofacial Research Foundation , 6th International craniofacial and dental summit, AIIMS RISHIKESH.
  • Dr Elavenil P – Publication Award and cash prize of Rs 5000/ for 2nd maximum Number of Publications In Indexed Journal , Awarded by IRB ,SRM Dental College, Ramapuram.
  • Dr Elavenil P –Fellowship FDS RCPS, Royal college of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.
  • Dr Sasikala B – Life Membership Award, International journal for Research under Literal Access
  • Dr Sasikala B – Fellowship award, Indian board of oral and maxillofacial surgery.