The Department of Periodontics and Oral Implantology provides students with an understanding of the theoretical basis for, and the basic sciences involved in, the maintenance of health and/or the treatment of diseases of the periodontium. Our aim is to bring the science of periodontics to be on par with the best in the world. The curriculum is patterned in a manner that students have access to the current trends and advances in periodontics.
Undergraduate students are trained with skills to render non-surgical and preventive periodontal procedures and are introduced to surgical periodontal procedures by observing and assisting as procedures are being performed. Postgraduate students are given opportunity to learn and master a variety of surgical clinical procedures.
Hands on training in various implant systems and clinical exposure to use of lasers is being imparted as part of the curriculum. Research is a significant activity and the department’s core areas of research include minimally invasive surgical techniques, gene polymorphism, root coverage techniques, microsurgery, lasers, identification of risk factors in periodontal disease, periodontal inflammation and non surgical therapy, basic research in pathogenesis, implant site preparation like ridge augmentation, sinus grafting and identification of periodontal bio markers.