“A GOOD PHYSICIAN HAS TO BE A GOOD PHARMACOLOGIST ” Pharmacology is the ‘BACK BONE‘ of Therapeutics.

Pharmacology is the SCIENCE OF DRUGS. It encompasses all aspects of knowledge about drugs.

The objective of the department is to make the Undergraduate and Postgraduate students familiar with the usage of drugs commonly prescribed in dentistry.

DRUG THERAPY involves NOT only giving a particular drug for a particular disease, but also the thorough knowledge about the various aspects of that drug.

  • Various Routes of administration
  • Mechanism of action
  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Adverse Drug Reactions
  • Dosage schedule

Text Details

1AreaDepartment – 3680 sq.ft.
Lecture Hall
UG Lecture Hall – 2000 sq.ft
PG Lecture Hall - 1000 sq.ft
Store room - 100 sq.ft
2Facilities UG Lecture Hall to accommodate - 120 students
PG Lecture Hall to accommodate - 60 students
Fully equipped lab to accommodate – 100 students
Department library with full stock of latest edition textbooks
3State of art of equipments Electronic balance – 4 No.s
4Year of establishment1998
5No. of PGs48
6Department Library DetailsNo. of Library books – 32
No. of Complimentary copies - 22
No. of Journals - NIL