Refresher Course by MICROBIOLOGY DEPARTMENT (13/10/22)

             SRM Dental College, Ramapuram is ranked 8th under NIRF study we have aimed to move forward. So with that aim we have planned  for many Training ,Education Programs and Faculty Development initiatives as well . The Departments are making their efforts to materialize it and implementing it all towards culmination of the Best Academic and Research Standards.

              Today’s Program is Organized by Microbiology Department and they have chosen an important area “Hospital Acquired Infection Control” and they have also subdivided it to 5 Categories to emphasize on each area Antimicrobial Stewardship Program is necessary in every Hospital setup , WHO insists that it must begin from Primary Healthcare to Tertiary Healthcare.Antimicrobial StewardshipProgram was conducted on 13/10/22 ,Chief Guest invited for this programme was Dr Smiline Girija Prof&HOD Department of Microbiology,Saveetha Dental College. Nowadays it is mandatory to corporate setup as well. Antimicrobial Resistance and its adverse effects on the Community is of great concern from Public Health point of view. Any Healthcare Program should be extended not only towards therapeutic but also toward Prophylactic measures . So this Antimicrobial Resistance if it is put under control , treatment of Infection particularly in Hospital setup is without failure and becomes cost effective.