Admission Open - 2024

Periobuzz 2020 a one day CDE programme conducted by the Department of Periodontics, SRM DC on 6 th March 2020 within the premises of our SRM DC, Ramapuram campus. The preparations for the Programme started a mo the back and witnessed the efforts of each and everyone from the Department of Periodontics. We saw registrations of around 89 from Postgraduate students of Dental colleges in and around Chennai. The programmebegan with the esteemed presence of Our Senior Professor and Head, Department of Oral Surgery Dr Krishnakumar Raja for the Inauguration followed by Three elaborate and detailed lectures by a panel of Experienced and Senior Professors cum Periodontists on the subject of Maxillary Sinus and the various treatment strategies in Deficient Posterior maxilla. This was followed by a Live demonstration on Minimally Invasive Sinus floor elevation, grafting and simultaneous implant placement using a novel Sinus floor Elevation kit called Dask kit. The programme also envisaged a very interesting Quiz program