Admission Open - 2025
Basic and Preclinical Sciences - SRM Dental College

General Medicine

The department focuses in teaching diagnosis, different modalities of treatment and follow – up for the diseases affecting various system of the body for the undergraduate dental students. Subjects as per the university syllabus are covered in lecture classes. The department trains the students with regular clinical meetings, case discussion ,presentation group discussion and evaluation exams.

General surgery

The department focuses on providing surgical care to the patients and imparting knowledge in the basic principles of surgery to undergraduate dental students through Clinical meeting, lectures, case discussion, group discussion and observation of various surgical procedure . Radiographic facility ,Ultra Sonography ,Echo cardiogram and CT scan facilities are available .

Laproscopic procedures like appendicectomy, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, various Gyanecological procedures like ovarian cyst removal, sterilization are done, Urological procedures , ENT surgeries are performd . A Full fledged lab for Haematology , Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry, Micro Biology, Histopathology, and Cytology is attached to this department .