Admission Open - 2025
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics - SRM Dental College

Conservative dentistry otherwise known as Operative Dentistry is the art and science of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the defects of teeth which do not require full coverage restorations and Endodontics is the restoration of the pulpally involved teeth to proper form and function in the masticatory apparatus. The department comprises an undergraduate section , post graduate section ,seminar room equipped with state of art projector facility, a pre clinical section consisting of 50 phantom heads and jaw for training the second year BDS students and a lecture hall.

The basic requirements of asepsis and sterilization are followed verbatim in the clinical area. The department is equipped with state of basic equipments like autoclave hot air oven, suction apparatus, light cure units, micro motors, x-ray unit, RVG and state of art equipments like operating microscope and Diode laser.