Admission Open - 2025
Prosthodontics - SRM Dental College

1. Evaluation of shear bond strength of maxillofacial silicon and fiber reinforced composite substructure after various surface treatments – an in vitro study

2. Effect of airborne particle abrasion, Acid and laser etching on the bone strength between grooved titanium alloy temporary implant abutments and provisional veneering materials – an in vitro study

3. Correlation between iris diameter and maxillary central incisor by digital analysis

4. Effect of connector design on pier abutment in fixed dental prosthesis – A finite element analysis

5. Comparative evaluation of force transfer between rigid and non rigid (spring) implant abutment interface – finite element analysis

6. Comparative evaluation of effect of luting materials on retention and resistance of three quarter crown – an in vitro study

7. Evaluation of effectiveness of fixed partial denture on brain functions by power spectral analysis – an in vivo study

8. Effect of attachment type on bite force in a single implant retained mandibular over denture – an in vivo study

1. Comparative evaluation of dimensional stability, accuracy and surface quality of silicone impression material after ozonated water – an in vitro study

2. Comparative study on the wear resistance of the stainless steel guiding sleeve used in implant surgical templates with and without surface coating using a pin on disc tribometer – and in vitro study

3. Evaluation of psychotic stress markers and oxidative stress molecules in the saliva of patients with complete dentures

4. Compare and evaluate the osteogenic potential of titanium coated PEEK and titanium blended PEEK – in vitro study

5. Evaluation and association between incisal guidance angulation and phonation in maxillary complete dentures – an in vivo study

6. Compare and evaluate the passive tactile sensitivity of an osseointegrated implant in various regions of the arch – an in vitro study

7. An in vivo study to evaluate intraoral force during manipulation and splinting of food by subjects with tooth or implant supported overdenture

8. Finite element analysis of stress caused by single piece and two piece closed bulb obturator in Armany class I maxillectomy defect

1. Biomechanical variability of condylar inclination in completely edentulous patients in relation to different facial forms

2. To compare flexural strength and fracture toughness of denture base resin and denture base resin reinforced with glass fibers

3. Comparative evaluation of inflammatory markers in various stages of implant loading – an in vivo study

4. A comparative study to evaluate the effect of sterilization on the heat generation and histological changes at the osteotomy site and wear changes in cryogenically treated dental osteotomy drills.

5. Comparative evaluation of the brain function of the edentulous patients in conventional complete denture and implant supported over denture prosthesis

6. Comparative evaluation of flexural strength ad fracture toughness of zirconia silica nano fibers reinforced ceramics – an in vitro study

7. Evaluating the stress influence on occlusal material between endosseous implants and basal osseointegrated implants woth finite element analysis – an in vitro study

8. Analysis of sagittal condylar guidance angulation and comparative evaluation between articulators with open and closed condylar tracts

1. Evaluation of proportional ratio between gingival zenith and tip of interdental papilla to the incisal edge of all maxillary anterior dentition – an in vivo study

2. Evaluation of shear bond strength between maxillofacial silicone and acrylic resins after various surface treatments – an in vitro study

3. Comparative evaluation of passive tactile sensibility associated between osseointegrated implant and natural teeth – an in vivo study

4. Clinical evaluation of difference in proximal contact strength of various materials used in fixed partial denture fabrication – an in vivo study

5. To compare and evaluate the osteogenic potential and corrosion resistance of surface modified Ti- Zr implant alloy

6. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial effects of three nano particle coated implants – an in vitro study

7. Comparative evaluation of micro tensile bond strength of different surface treated all ceramic with two different luting agents – An in vitro study

8. Comparative evaluation of micro tensile bone strength between zirconia core and all ceramic layering with different surface treatments – an in vitro study

1. Evaluation of shear bond strength of re- cast Ni-Cr alloy to feldspathic porcelain by using three surface treatments – an in vitro study

2. Comparative evaluation of internal fit in CAD/CAM milled Zirconia copings and pressed ceramic copings – an in vitro study

3. Comparative evaluation of retention of locator and ball abutment based on various implant angulation – an in vitro study

4. Comparative study on the effects of deep cryogenic treatment and TiAlN surface coating in dental implant drill bits on heat generation, wear resistance and histologic changes in bovine bone – an in vitro study

5. Comparative evaluation of flexural strength of nano zirconia integrated feldspathic and lithium disilicate ceramics to conventional feldspathic and lithium disilicate ceramics – an in vitro study

6. Comparative evaluation of shear bond strength between ceramic and semi precious alloy coated with (TiAl)N and TiN using cathode arc deposition process – an in vitro study

7. Comparative evaluation of anti microbial effect of tissue conditioner containing titanium nano particles – an in vitro study

8. Retentive performance of low fusing porcelain on surface treated milled titanium alloy by evaluation of shear bond strength and microstructure failure– an in vitro study

1. Comparative evaluation of effect of laser on shear bond strength of ceramic bonded with base metal alloys – an in vitro Study

2. Marginal fit of cast restorations made with conventional casting technique and double casting technique

3. Brush induced surface abrasion on different metal surfaces

4. Comparative evaluation of vertical marginal discrepancy in laser sintered Cobalt chromium crown – an in vitro Study

5. Evaluation of bond strength of acrylic teeth to acrylic denture base resin in comparison with compression molding and injection molding technique under various mechanical surface treatments – an in vitro Study

6. Prevalence of intra articular temporomandibular disorders in patients with missing teeth

7. Comparative finite element stress evaluation of connector widths influence on various cuspal angulations under axial load, non axial loading in tooth and implant supported zirconia FPD– an in vitro Study

8. Cryotherapy in metals used in prosthodontics – an in vitro Study

1. Cutting efficiency and abrasiveness of dental burs

2. Effect of labial frenum and palatal vault depth I stress concentration of maxillary complete denture – finite element analysis

3. Evaluation of patient satisfaction with magnet retained overdenture

4. Evaluation of impact strength and anti candidal effect of denture base resins reinforced with silver nano particles

5. Combination of tooth and implant – a clinical and radiographic evaluation over denture designs

6. Evaluation of shear bond strength and micro leakage of porcelain fused metal repair systems

1. Comparative evaluation of dimensional stability, accuracy and surface hardness of various inter occlusal recording materials– an in vitro Study

2. Effect of implant design on the framework and surrounding bone in three unit distal cantilever fixed partial denture – a finite element analysis

3. Evaluating the stress influence of occlusal materials and cuspal angle in and implant supported fixed partial denture – a three dimensional finite element analysis

4. Effect of resin bonding resin sealing agents on micro leakage of provisional crowns made with direct and indirect technique – an in vitro Study

5. Effect of sprue numbers and investment types on casting accuracy – an in vitro Study

6. Evaluation of implant placement using a new surgical guide– an in vivo Study

1. Comparative study of single and two piece implant design supporting a cantilever design – a finite element analysis

2. The accuracy of fit of clasps designed with conventional wax patterns and light cured patters– a comparative in vitro Study

3. Tensile bond strength, viscoelasticity and material leachability of three commercially available temporary soft liners – a comparative in vitro Study

4. Effect of connector design on fracture strength of three unit fixed partial denture– an in vitro Study

5. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of single unit implent retained prosthesis with immediate and delayed loading

6. Comparative investigation of denture base reinforcement materials pertaining to their mechanical and dimensional stability characteristics– an in vitro Study

1. Evaluation of mechanical properties of light cure, heat cure, chemical cure and polyester reinforced acrylic materials used in provisional fixed partial denture– an in vitro Study

2. The effect of angulations of buccal flange of complete denture on manually and physiologically molded denture bases for food retention – an in vivo Study

3. Recasting of nickel chromium dental casting alloys and its effect on elemental release and cytoxicity– an in vitro Study

4. Evaluation of peri implant topography around two piece implants placed in single stage procedure before and after loading– an in vivo Study

5. Effect of abutment taper, length and cementing media on retention of complete cast crowns– an in vitro Study

6. Quantitative analysis of gingival deflection at various time intervals using different retraction materials